- i've just watch gg latest episode yesterday evening.'chuck in real life'
- huhu....S and B are friends again since quarreling (giggles..hihi) in yale during 'new haven can wait'
- C shows his true colour.B absolutely shocked with that.
- S reveals her mom's weakness infront of national magazine jounalist.
- E can't bring his bf (oops!!) to the dinner.
- N and D plays soccer together.but having quarrel because D know N secret (about his homelife)
- N stays at D house with Humphrey's.
-where is A,the new guy in town that mention in the spoiler for 'new haven can wait'?
Syyhh, weren't torrents suppose to be underground? Haha
oh no....do i mention anything?
baru abes tengok tadi.
Chuck Bass ialah Best.tapi kenapa dia dumpped Blair (E07).rugi giler.
mcm yg die ckp la....it's now blair's turn to hunt him.x rugi la.
sape diloz? similar to the oc je gossip girl ni...serena=marissa, blair=summer, dan=cohen, nate=ryan, chuck=???
anyway, aaron rose akan datang in the next episode. and a new model character. jenny is getting outta her head.
and if you ask my op, aaron rose is so not suitable for gossip girl. find a more good looking ones please!
nonono....i'm just wonder,where is he.not how good looking is he.if he'll be on the next episode,i think the spoiler is 4 weeks before his apperance on gg.u know 'new haven can wait' 2weeks,'chuck in real life' 2 weeks,"Pret-a-Poor-J"1 weeks.total for time waiting,4 weeks
heh,*'chuck in real life' 1 week
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